Season Greetings

Season Greetings

Season Greetings from all of us here at Filabot. We would like to take the time to talk about and thank those along the way this year. 2019 was a busy time, we spent the first part of the year working with our Massive Dimension Direct Print Extruder. Working with our friends from binary we have expanded what we are capable of achieving when it comes to direct pellet extrusion. During this same time, Filabot was recognized as one of The 10 Pioneering 3D Printing Solution Providers by Mirror Review. As we kept on working on new solutions we have expanded our lab to help our Research and Development efforts. Continuously adding to our Extrusion Database File System, EDFS for short, to give our customers more access to extrusion data. We have even started to produce Laboratory Kits for our many polymers to help educate others on the correct processing temperatures and procedures. 

During the spring and summer, we were busy releasing new items to enhance the extrusion experience, additions like the chrome-plated screw and the 2X & 3X melt filter nozzles make it easier to extrude high melt flow polymers. One of our proudest additions is our Filameasure, finally, a solution to record and monitor filament diameter in real-time during extrusion. With the ability to save and compare you can truly have a better research experience. 

In the fall Filabot moved its Research, Development, and Operations to a larger and more accommodating location. During that time we also added to our Filabot family expanded our Engineering capabilities. We have continued our work with Spaulding High School Work-Based Learning, giving students a chance to get real-time hands-on experience. 

With all of this new progress, we are very positive for an even better New Year. Be on the lookout for new products and accessories for your filament extrusion! 

Happy Holidays, 

The Filabot Team.       

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