Shop Blog
Filabot Reclaimer Update
We are moving along with the progress of the reclaimer. Right now we are exploring the safety design, reviewing the hoppers and guards making sure that the safety switch works when in use. Our aest...
Keeping it Local
Here at Filabot, we are all about giving back to the community. Donating filament to the Aldrich Library was the least we could do for a community that provides so much for its people in Barre VT. ...
Filabot Reclaimer Update
Filabot Reclaimer Updates:
Testing of the Reclaimer is complete. We are working towards updating a few items that came up during testing. The next steps are to cross off a few remaining prototype...
Filabot Reclaimer Update
We are in the home stretch of launching the Filabot Reclaimer to the world. It has been a long winding road but the end is in sight. As of this update, the Filabot Reclaimer prototype is chomping a...
Fowler Filameasure Guide Inset Update
This update is in relation to the Fowler Filameasure. When working with thin or soft filament, the roller wheels push the filament off track causing the measurement to get lost. As you can imagine,...
New MDPH2 Pellet Head Extruder for Large Format 3D Printing
Newly released pellet head extruder. The MDPH2 from Massive Dimension is a direct print pellet head extruder. It is designed specifically for large format 3D Printing where higher output is needed....
Low Cost DIY Pellet Machine - By MDPI
Systems exist in the 3D printer space to convert pellets into high quality 3D printer filaments, such is the case with Filabot. However there seems to be a lack of such a system for the pelletizati...
This Is Why You Found Us - A plug from our marketing company
ATTN: This post is from our marking company. Our opinions are our own.
There are many ways to get customers attention, every from of marketing has its pros and cons. When it came to Google Ads, Fi...
Legal Success for Open Filament
Back in 2015, we wrote a short blog post outlining our stance on arbitrarily restricting the types of Filament that could be used in 3D printers. At the time, several companies were limiting the us...