We're back to posting the University of Utah/ binary collaboration posts on Filabot after several weeks on Massive Dimension. If you haven't read the last few posts, please click the link below to get caught up...
Click here to see all Massive Dimension posts related to the University of Utah/ Binary collaboration.
Our next project with the Design of University of Utah Digital Assemblies class turns towards a hybrid approach to making by utilizing subtractive methods (CNC routing) together with a unique application of 3D printing filament.
Each student within the class has been tasked with designing a seating object that is to fabricated using a CNC router and incorporating recycled PETG filament as either a decorative element, functional element, or both.
In the coming weeks we will showcase their scale models that incorporate recycled PETG filament produced with the Filabot EX2.
Click here to see all Filabot posts related to the University of Utah/ Binary collaboration.
Below are some photos from the experiments:
1. Filament Doodles - prep work for student chair designs